“I have been seeing Lee as my acupuncturist for a few years and it would be absolutely fair to say that the treatment and Lee’s dedication to his clients is second to none.
My first treatments with Lee were to help my back spasms and he quickly diagnosed that the cause was underpinned with emotional trauma and stress. I have seen Lee regularly since then for ‘maintenance’ and to also provide treatment for my arthritic hip whilst I was waiting for a hip replacement. The treatments that Lee provided hugely helped me to stay mobile and as pain free as possible.
At one point I was struggling with severe psoriasis due to a traumatic loss of my horse, coupled with the continual inflammation from my hip. Lee provided me with herbal ointments which greatly alleviated the skin discomfort. In between my treatments I have had the occasional cold/sore throat and Lee’s herbal decoctions have been extremely helpful to alleviate the symptoms.
I would highly recommend Lee to anyone who is in need of physical and emotional healing. I cannot speak highly enough of him in this short recommendation. For me, his treatments and care have been and are transformative.”