“When Lee first started treating me, well over 10 years ago, I was already convinced of the benefits of acupuncture, but I quickly realised that Lee was a practitioner on another level – a master of his art, highly intuitive, with great spiritual depth and wisdom, and also a human being of great compassion and warmth.

I seemed to lurch from crisis to crisis, physical and emotional, over the following years but Lee never failed to provide insight into my situations and the underlying causes of one malaise or another while tackling their manifestations in mind and body and guiding me back towards well-being, equilibrium – and hope. In that time I began to take steps towards launching myself on a new career, which seemed pretty fanciful at the time, but is now what I do.

After I moved away from Cambridge, I willingly did the four hour round trip to see him several times a year in order to keep body and soul together – and would have covered many more miles to be properly heard and supported through the trials of life in the way that Lee seems uniquely equipped to do.

During this period my sister was involved in a very serious car accident on the other side of the world and Lee, who came to know of it indirectly, did everything he could to help me from a distance, providing invaluable moral support and understanding about her trauma and recovery process.

I have no doubt that I will be knocking on his practice door in Devon in the future; Lee is no ordinary acupuncturist.”