“I have found acupuncture to be quite outstanding, I have had this treatment for many minor problems including arthritis and asthma. Each time I have had an appointment with Lee I have found it to be relaxing and even the “so called” needles are nothing at all to worry about, they are nothing like those you have for a blood test or injection. As the needles are put in you get a mini electric sensation which lasts a second, no pain sometimes a mild ache, certainly nothing to worry about.
It is quite miraculous, the arthritis pain fades away, if not immediately certainly over the next few hours (but we are all different), I have gone in for my appointment unable to clench my fingers and walked out with them behaving normally. With asthma I have found it to be amazing as I have been to an appointment quite breathless and leave after treatment, taking huge breathes of air…now how does that work – I truly believe its magic ( of course an extremely gifted acupuncturist helps).
An unexpected and great side effect of acupuncture is that I am really relaxed and am less stressed and I sleep like a log. I like to have acupuncture now as a regular treatment, I am quite sure it helps keep me well, less stressed and enables me to sleep soundly.
Lee is a talented, knowledgeable acupuncturist, he makes it easy for you to relax and he listens carefully to what you have to say then decides how to treat what is going on in your body, this I think is the secret, acupuncture treats the whole person not just a symptom and I believe it is better if possible to deal with things without tablets but regular medicine and acupuncture run well side by side. I have always told my GP that I have acupuncture and have always been encouraged to carry on, so I did for 10 years now.
Devon is so lucky to have such a talent among them, acupuncture can do no harm so give it a try, you may well be very pleased you did. I certainly was!”